My name is Monica, the founder of Pointadore. Our love for German Shorthaired Pointers started in January of 2023. We were on our honeymoon in Byron Bay when we came across the most beautiful dog we had ever seen. He was on his morning walk with his owner and we knew in that moment we had to go and talk to his owner and find out more about him and his breed. Fast forward a couple of months and we both decided we needed to find out more about this breed. So down the rabbit hole we went and with so much more information we decided it was time to get one of our own. We first entered into the world of German Shorthaired Pointers when we purchased our first boy Hugo as a puppy from Denise at Delaquois. We instantly fell in love with Hugo’s nature, he was a perfect addition to our family. This was the initial starting point for Pointadore. We then registered with dogs QLD and found our first female Ella from Mal and Faye at Canawindra. Ella was another perfect addition to our family and slotted in perfectly with no drama at all. Then recently we have added another addition to our family being our second female Delta. Delta was purchased from Denise at Delaquois. We are new to breeding German Shorthaired Pointers but are not new to training and breeding of working dogs. My partner and I manage a cattle property in the Somerset region and have an extensive team of working dogs that have been trained by ourselves. Along with breeding top quality cattle for shows and sales. So we knew we would have what it takes to breed and train German Shorthaired Pointers.

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”